Fundraising Strategies

Fundraising Strategies

Tasteocracy makes it easy to join as a fundraising organization, and for every Tasteocracy tester who designates you as their organization, you receive at least $10 each time they test. You could stop there, but here are a few strategies that may boost the funds your non-profit earns:

  • Promote testing with your employees and membership. Yes, employees can be testers, and every time they participate it could mean at least $10 going to your organization!.
  • Promote testing opportunities during your events.
  • Include links to on your website with information about the fundraising opportunity and instructions for choosing your non-profit during sign up.
  • Share our test announcements on social media.
  • Include a flyer about testing with Tasteocracy and fundraising for your organization in mailings or handouts. Here is a flyer you can download and personalize!, or just download this one.
  • Do you have a great strategy that your non-profit employs to make the most of fundraising with Tasteocracy? Let us know! We’ll include your tip here with a link to your site, and you could be our next featured organization on our homepage!